Collared Avacari
Tiger Heron - Rio Grande River, southern Belize
Rio Grande River, Belize
Slaty-tailed Trogon
Scrub Euphonia
Hopkins Bay
Osprey - Monkey River
Iguana - Monkey River
Rainforest along the Monkey River
Howler Monkey
Howler Monkey - Belizean rainforest
Great Black Hawk - Hopkins Marsh
Crocodile - Hopkins Marsh
Rainforest, southern Belize
Howler Monkeys - Punta Gorda
Striped-throated hermit hummingbird
Striped-throated hermit
Collared Aracari
Collared Aracari
Slate-tailed Trogon
Broad-winged hawk over the rainforest
Lesson's Motmot
Ceiba Tree - sacred to the Maya, symbol of the universe
Iguana - Blue Creek, Belize
Tiger Heron - Punta Gorda
Belize Barrier Reef - Caribbean Ocean
Belize Barrier Reef
Morolet's seedeater - Hopkins Bay
Howler monkey - top of the rainforest canopy
Monkey River, southern Belize
Maya Mountains
American pygmy Kingfisher - Punta Gorda
Rio Grande River - Punta Gorda, Belize
Golden-fronted woodpecker - Hopkins Bay
Collared Avacari
Collared Avacari
Tiger Heron - Rio Grande River, southern Belize
Tiger Heron - Rio Grande River, southern Belize
Rio Grande River, Belize
Rio Grande River, Belize
Slaty-tailed Trogon
Slaty-tailed Trogon
Scrub Euphonia
Scrub Euphonia
Hopkins Bay
Hopkins Bay
Osprey - Monkey River
Osprey - Monkey River
Iguana - Monkey River
Iguana - Monkey River
Rainforest along the Monkey River
Rainforest along the Monkey River
Howler Monkey
Howler Monkey
Howler Monkey - Belizean rainforest
Howler Monkey - Belizean rainforest
Great Black Hawk - Hopkins Marsh
Great Black Hawk - Hopkins Marsh
Crocodile - Hopkins Marsh
Crocodile - Hopkins Marsh
Rainforest, southern Belize
Rainforest, southern Belize
Howler Monkeys - Punta Gorda
Howler Monkeys - Punta Gorda
Striped-throated hermit hummingbird
Striped-throated hermit hummingbird
Striped-throated hermit
Striped-throated hermit
Collared Aracari
Collared Aracari
Collared Aracari
Collared Aracari
Slate-tailed Trogon
Slate-tailed Trogon
Broad-winged hawk over the rainforest
Broad-winged hawk over the rainforest
Lesson's Motmot
Lesson's Motmot
Ceiba Tree - sacred to the Maya, symbol of the universe
Ceiba Tree - sacred to the Maya, symbol of the universe
Iguana - Blue Creek, Belize
Iguana - Blue Creek, Belize
Tiger Heron - Punta Gorda
Tiger Heron - Punta Gorda
Belize Barrier Reef - Caribbean Ocean
Belize Barrier Reef - Caribbean Ocean

Belize Barrier Reef
Belize Barrier Reef
Morolet's seedeater - Hopkins Bay
Morolet's seedeater - Hopkins Bay
Howler monkey - top of the rainforest canopy
Howler monkey - top of the rainforest canopy
Monkey River, southern Belize
Monkey River, southern Belize
Maya Mountains
Maya Mountains
American pygmy Kingfisher - Punta Gorda
American pygmy Kingfisher - Punta Gorda
Rio Grande River - Punta Gorda, Belize
Rio Grande River - Punta Gorda, Belize
Golden-fronted woodpecker - Hopkins Bay
Golden-fronted woodpecker - Hopkins Bay